Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Our friends in the north

I have a work trip to Beijing over the weekend of the 16th/17th, flying up on the Friday.
Apparently I will be at the Shenzhou Hotel. I can only assume this is a hotel assembled out of leftover parts from China's space programme, which will be excellent.
Sadly I will be working all weekend - it's for a photoshoot, but there's nothing glamorous about it. Even VOGUE shoots seem pretty unglamorous, from what I gather via America's Next Top Model, and this is for a college Chinese textbook.
My one slim hope is that our mainland partners mess up the scheduling so I don't have to do anything. There's not a high chance of that happening, but probably more than you would expect. Especially since all of China is on holiday at the moment and has been for two weeks, mostly.

I have asked a friend what the weather is like there. I need to plan ahead if I need to dig any warm coats out of our long-term storage.
Mind you, Hongkongers should be getting their arctic gear any day now, as the temperature has plummeted - PLUMMETED - to 25 degrees. I wish I had their attitude to heat, it would let me wear my autumn/winter wardrobe.
It was still around 29/30 last week and scarves were sighted even then.

Still, it will be interesting to see the old place - I haven't been since CK moved to Jakarta, about three years ago. I'm told a lot has changed. I shall try to stop by my old flat. The thing they were building next door all the time I lived there has been completed and I hear won a bunch of architecture awards.

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