I have fond(ish) memories of Twin Peaks, which rumour now suggests may be making a TV comeback, although I am not sure why anyone would do that.
I've only seen the first season, and bits & pieces of the 2nd. A friend of mine had Season 1 on DVD back when I lived in Beijing.
I used to go round his place of an evening, we'd watch an episode or two, and then I'd enjoy a David Lynch-style nocturnal journey into terror on my way home. Hence only fond-
To get back to my place, I had to go down to ground level in his building's creaky lift complete with flickering lightbulb, then along the darkened street past an old Buddhist monastery before getting to my block.
The building I lived in had sound-activated lights, so I'd get the freight elevator up to my floor and walk along an echoing concrete corridor that was pitch black until I stamped my foot to activate them. They'd click on one after the other down the length of the corridor.
If I'd ever encountered a midget in a suit on the way. I'd most likely have had a heart attack. Or, at the very least, a panic attack.
So, good series, but not the best viewing before a trip through a moonlit urban landscape.