Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Reading your own writing can be interesting as a way of spelunking one's thoughts from years ago.
For me, the City Girl columns in are a good portal to my brain circa 2006. I used to write them in a single stream of consciousness draft, going back later to fix typos or work in a joke I'd thought of. Originally this was to capture the airheadedness of the persona writing it, but I did the same when the voice switched to the rather sharper Kitty Yip Kee Wah - I just changed the voice.

I happened to read this one today after looking at incoming traffic stats for the website's archive. Not sure what's going on there. About 50% is clearly a parody of American Psycho, I guess kind of an insider hint at a possible future plotline that never emerged.

I'm not sure if the rest of it has a specific reference point or if it's just a character piece. I thought the 'Rosy Dawn' cocktail was obviously a nod to the Aeneid (and Homer before that) but I just googled it, and it actually is a cocktail.

So yeah, I don't know.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tortoises all the way down

On Sunday afternoon, CK, Leo and I went to Belcher Bay Park and played petanque on the grassy area there. A jolly time was had by all, despite the best attempts of a local toddler to make off with a boule.

The park was full of parents and kids hurtling about, mainly on the playground area. The grass was also host to an under-8s kickabout with a plastic pink ball and - what I found most interesting - two chaps who had brought their tortoises out for a bit of a walk around. They were the sort of creamy yellow colour one associates with the desert (the tortoises, that is) and seemed to be having a fine time wandering about.

The next day, coincidentally, I was listening to Frank Skinner's podcast, wherein he talked about having worked with a tortoise for a TV production. Tortoises are, of course, cold-blooded. So apparently, if you hold one up to your face on a hot day, its breath will be refreshingly cool.

Maybe we should get one. While not being a portable air-con unit, it could hang out with Dr Watson, our rabbit, and sometimes we could get them to do Aesop's-fable re-enactments.
